Jumat, 25 Desember 2009


CEDAW: The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Womwn (CEDAW) is an international treaty that was adopted by United Nations Genel Assembly in 1979. CEDAW provides a universal definition of discrimination against women and brings to a whole range of issues concening women’s human’s rights. Although more than 165 countries have ratified CEDAW, the Unite Stated still has not done so; consequently, it is not subject to CEDAW’s obligations. San Francisco is the first city in the United Stated to begin to implement CEDAW locally.

Best Practices: Departmental practices and/or policies that best meet the needs of all persons. In the context of CEDAW, best practices ensure the human rights of women and men, girls and boys, by ensuring all persons equitable access to programs and services that meet their defferent needs. Examples of best practices are a customer service approach that integrates gender and race, or a family-friendly workplace policy such as job sharing for employees with elder care rsponsibilities.

Discrimination: CEDAW defines discrimination against womwn and girls as any “distinction, exclution, or retriction made on the basic of sex which has effect or purpose of impairing or nullifying the recognition, enjoyment or exercise by women, irrespective of marital status, on the basic of equality between women and men, of human rights or fundamental freedom in the political, economic, social and cultural, civil, legal or any other field.”

Gender Analysis: Gender analysis is a framework for analyzing the cultural, economic, social, civil, legal, and political relations between woman and men. A gender analysis recognize that women and man have different social roles, responsibilities, opportunities, and needs. It addresses the underlying relationship between women and men over time and across cultures. The dynamics of this relationship permeate how society is structured and how decisions are made. This framework takes into account the important links between gender and other social relations such as race, immigration status, language, sexual orientation, disability, age, and other attributes.

Gender and sex : Gender is a term used to explain how society constructs the difference between woman and men, whereas sex identified the biological differences between women and men. Looking at gender, therefore, does not focus primarily on women or on men, but rather on the relationship between their different role, responsibilities, opportunities and needs.

Gender Equality and Gender Equity : Gender equality between the sexes guarantees equal right for both women and men. The objective of gender equality is to correct laws and practices that are discriminatory and to promote fairness in an affirmative way, especially to ameliorate the condition of the most disadvantaged. Gender equity applies to the development of policies and the distribution of resources to differently situated women, e.g., race, class, immigration status, language, sexual orientation, disability, and other attributes. The goal of gender equity is to redress historic discrimination and ensure conditions that will enable women to achieve full equality with men.

Gender Sensitive : A gender sensitive service, policy, program, or budget is one that reqognizes the fundamental importance of prmoting gender equality and equit. Using a gender sensitive approach to analyze, design, implement, and evaluate departemental policies and pograms takes into account fully the different needs and opportunities of women and men.

Gender Sensitive Indicators: There are measures that evaluate the effectiveness of practices and programs in promoting gender equality and equity.

Gender Specific Services : These are services that meet the different needs of people based on gender. For example, gender specific services for young women and girls are not simply services offered to girls, but are designed, implemented, and evaluated to serve the specific needs of girls.

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